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Here is a gallery of the funeral of the line of duty death of Worcester Fire Lieutenant John R Kennedy. I made sure to take my time editing this gallery. I also had to make sure Sean and Heather approved of all the images.

For those that didn’t know John he was a great father, firefighter and friend to many. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing John since he went to Ladder 4 as a Lieutenant many years ago. It was always a pleasure to catch up with him on a run or at a job. Always well-spoken and very knowledgeable about all aspects of the job.

For those that knew John knew they were always in good hands no matter what the task was. The Worcester Fire Department and fire service in general was left with a big void.

All of these images can be downloaded, printed or saved without charge. The only charges that would be incurred is if a print or other product is ordered. Those items are produced by a third party company that I have no control over.

Please feel free to view, share and keep John in your thoughts.

Thank You!