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Here are a few photos and video clips from a general alarm fire in Pawtucket RI.

The fire came in around 3am. I had woke up to go to the bathroom at 4am. After checking my phone before laying back down I see pages for a 6th alarm mill fire in Pawtucket. Some pages had said multiple mill buildings fully involved and talk of wind driven fire.

Since I was already up I figured I’d take the hour ride. I arrived around 5am and had great parking less than a block from the fire. The original fire building had collapsed but there was still heavy fire coming from it.

At one point I saw 3 large mill buildings fully involved. I had never seen a fire of this magnitude before. There was a neighborhood of wood frames in the direction the wind was blowing. There were embers falling in the area. At one point it was reported the fire had communicated to a 3 decker but I believe it was slightly damaged.

Everyone did a phenomenal job of keeping the fire to the complex it started in.

There were companies on scene from all over Rhode Island and Massachusetts.