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In the early morning hours of Thursday September 3rd Worcester Firefighters responded to Pond Street as neighbors called to report a fire in an abandoned 3 story wood frame dwelling often referred to in New England as a 3 decker.

Companies had heavy fire and smoke showing from the boarded up building that was possibly occupied by squatters. The building was also marked with the universal sign for an unstable structure that should not be entered, the red X.

Crews attacked the fire with multiple big lines, deck guns and aerial devices. The heavy fire was knocked down within about 15 minutes.

The floors had collapsed onto themselves and caused the structure to lean to the side. A code enforcement officer responded and deemed the structure needed to be raised as soon as possible.

A local contractor responded to dismantle the building at day break.

Box 4 Canteen also responded and provided refreshments for the hard worked Jakes.

A firefighter was transported to the hospital with minor injuries
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